Saturday 30 June 2012

Experiment Progress.

Back in the winter whilst winter pruning I decided to do an experiment using a technique victorian gardeners knew only too well. Called pot layering they perfected it to such an extent whole potted fruiting vines were created in a single season to provide a table centerpiece for high society gatherings.

A Phoenix shoot was fed through the bottom of a large pot to see if it will root thus providing a larger plant for planting out with it coming into bearing earlier.

Look how well it's growing. Of course it is being sustained by the parent vine obviously drawing sustenance from it. Logically it's also returning some nourishment back.

The question will be whether it's forming roots of its own. If so the first part of the experiment will be successful, if not then it's back to the drawing board.

The severing will take place in august as after that time the parent vine will need to concentrate on ripening it's fruit.

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