Thursday 5 July 2012

Taking Stock Midseason.

It is about the midway point in the season so time to take stock of what the rest of the season is likely to hold.

The first thing to note is how late the season is this year. This is because since april it has been so wet, dull and cool, all the things grapevines really hate.

Flowering generally has been late, although Brant flowered right on time with Phoenix and Chardonnay only a little behind their usual flowering time. Regent is about three weeks late and the Madeleine Angevine hasn't begun flowering yet although it is not far off.

All this means it will most likely be a late harvest season. I expect to see Phoenix ripen as well as Madeleine Angevine since once they have set fruit the bunches begin swelling quickly. Chardonnay should be ok with a bit of luck.

The Brant at home should ripen too, but the ones on the allotment are only flowering now.

Regent should ripen late, however Dornfelder, whose flowering is still some way off, probably won't ripen in time. This is not a big problem as it is their first year of cropping so it is better for them to concentrate on growing stronger this year.

So a late season but I'm still hopeful just about sums it up.

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