Sunday 12 February 2012

Inside the Polytunnel. Muscat Bleu.

There are four main vines in the polytunnel and cuttings from eleven different varieties that will begin sprouting in the next couple of months all being well.

Here is a young Muscat Bleu grapevine that was planted last autumn. Sheltered in here it should grow more strongly than if it were planted outside. I'm hoping for some strong growth with some wood thick enough to be used as fruiting wood next year. Time will tell.

The cuttings you see behind the Muscat Bleu are of Auguste Louise and Beauty Seedless. Auguste Louise is a white variety that is believed to have originally come from Wisley. It is described as early with big bunch and  berry recommended as a good outdoor dessert. Another source thinks that the vines have weak growth so the plants may need to grow more strongly than usual before fruiting begins.

Beauty Seedless has large bunches even if the berries are a little small. It is said to be early and can be grown outside. It doesn't matter if the berries turn out to be smaller since they could possibly be dried for raisins. Alternately they could be eaten fresh as they are said to be delicious.

It's good for me to have new varieties coming along as it gives be a sense of excitement and achievment watching vines develop to maturity.

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