Monday 16 July 2012

Brant Aerial Roots.

The Brant grape vine is producing aerial roots. The vine is well over ten years old and I have never seen it produce adventitious, or aerial roots before. They are appearing all over the vine.

An online search hints at the answer. A number of opinions suggest that late spring frost followed by wet weather  can cause certain varieties of grape vines to produce aerial roots. Apparently it has no affect of fruiting so that's a relief.

However the vine was well protected from the late frosts and came through them pretty much unscathed.

Then of course we have had a phenomal amount of rain in the last three months so I'm pretty sure that has played a large part towards this phenomenon. Another contributing factor is that the vine top growth has been drastically reduced over the last two years meaning that there is now a huge imbalance between root mass and top growth.

More sap is going to fewer buds in other words.

Perhaps it has a premonition of its impending execution at the end of the year and is making a bid for freedom!

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