Monday 9 July 2012

Topping Out.

Once grapevines reach the limits of their allotted space they need to be pinched or topped out otherwise they will just grow more unruly diverting energy into shoots rather than fruit.

Topping out will encourage side shoots to grow further down the shoot. These need to be stopped at one leaf or removed completely.


  1. Hi grapeman, I'm growing my grapes (Boskop Glory) in a greenhouse and have always cut them back in May. Is this an outdoor/indoor thing? Glad to have found your blog as I hope to grow outdoors too next year.

    1. Greenhouse grape vines start growing earlier and grow quicker than outdoor ones so if indoor vines need topping out in may then that's when it needs to be done.

      This year is late of course so anothter year you would top out outdoor grown grapes slightly earlier, certainly once they have grown to their allotted space as they can take over if you aren't on the ball.

      Grapes can be grown successfully outside in britain, as well as in greenhouses, which is what the blog is tryng to demonstrate.

  2. Thanks for the info Mark. I've finally managed to get some cuttings of my Boskop Glory going outside this year so hopefully next year I'll be able to start training them. Are there any other varieties of desert grape you could recomend for me here in the East Midlands?

    1. Good that you got some cuttings rooted. Boskoop Glory, though not a variety I have grown myself, is a good choice that has an award of Garden Merit from the RHS.

      Grapes can be grown outside in the east midlands where the early and mid season varieties should perform well. The more shelter you can give them, either from a wall or a sheltered garden position the better.

      Though not and exhaustive list by any means some good varieties to try are listed below.

      Seedless Red: Beauty, Mars, Venus, Somerset (pink grapes rather than red)

      Seeded Red: Gagarin Blue, Queen of Esther, Muscat Blue

      Seedless White Himrod New York Seedless Thornton

      Seeded White: Phoenix (a good sized wine grape that tastes good) Palitina, Poloske Muscat

      There are many other more obscure varieties that would do well too.
